GlobalSign digital signatures can help you meet the requirements of many national and industry-specific regulations regarding the legal acceptance of electronic signatures in place of wet-ink signatures, including:
The need for signatures pops up in virtually every department - human resources for employee timesheets and vacation requests, finance signing off on invoices and purchase orders, legal preparing contracts, sales entering new client relationships. Printing every time you need a signature is impractical and inefficient. Fortunately, there’s a better way. Trusted digital signatures allow you to keep your entire workflow online and offer greater security than unstandardized electronic signatures.
As a member of Adobe’s Approved Trust List (AATL) and Microsoft Root Trust List, GlobalSign’s document signing certificates are compatible with the leading programs and are an easy to use, cost-effective way to add digital signatures to your documents.
GlobalSign document signing certificates and services scale to accommodate businesses of all sizes, from individuals to large enterprises. Per regulation, digital signing certificates must be stored on FIPS-compliant hardware, such as USB tokens or HSM. GlobalSign offers multiple options for this dependent on signature volume and document workflow, including a new cloud service that eliminates the need for customer-managed hardware altogether.
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Our valued clientele is spread across the Middle East especially in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar and Bahrain.